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Writer's pictureSophie Maisonnier

Naturopathy 101: what is it about?

Welcome to those interested in cooking and food, to curious people passing through, to fans of alternative medicine and overall health.

This site brings together people from everywhere and with very varied lifestyles, who have in common the desire to be well and/or to eat well. This is why, in addition to the site where you can book individual sessions, I have decided to add a blog which will offer more general information, recipes, testimonials and other resources which can help you.

It seems important to me to start by explaining to you what naturopathy is, what it is not, and what it can do for you.

I briefly present naturopathy here on my site, and for those who wish to learn more about the history of naturopathy and its practice in the world, I invite you to consult this link: https://worldnaturopathicfederation .org/ .

Naturopathy is not / naturopathy is

Naturopathy is not medicine, nor a substitute for medicine

It complements medical and paramedical support.

Naturopathy is not a discipline in which one replaces a medicine with an essential oil, a steak with tofu and doubts about one's life with a yoga retreat: it is not naturotherapy in which one remains in the treatment of the symptom but in a “more natural” way

It offers another approach to health and well-being, based on holism, causalism and vitalism among others, its principles are described below.

Naturopathy is not a scam

It is a truly supervised discipline, recognized as useful by many doctors, and from which millions of people benefit all over the world through trained and serious naturopaths. As it is not yet a regulated profession everywhere, it is important to select a professional certified by a training center affiliated with the WNF or member of a recognized union.

Naturopathy is not an esoteric practice / It can integrate energetic or subtle aspects, however this is not the basis of its training. It is mainly based on the current state of research in medicine, nutrition, micronutrition, psychology, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, reflexology, neuroscience, and in all the disciplines it mobilizes, including theological and quantum research.

The principles of naturopathy:

It is an approach to health which, like Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine also recognized by the WHO, explores the links that exist between our physical situation, our dietary situation and our psycho-emotional situation, in the goal of allowing each person to achieve and maintain the optimum of his or her vitality, that is to say the energy that he or she possesses within him or her: learning to be well and to stay that way .

Naturopathy is governed by 7 rules based on the 5 Hippocratic principles, proposed by the founders of “modern” naturopathy, which dates from the beginning of the 20th century in Europe, and which naturopaths follow today:

Primum non Nocere : first, do no harm

The naturopath knows the framework and limits of his practice and must firstly ensure that he never risks harming the physical or psycho-emotional health of the people being treated. Every tip is based on this basic principle.

Vis medicatrix Naturae : Follow healing nature

Your body knows, listen to it and trust it. Our body naturally tends towards balance and a return to balance and health (homeostasis), by trusting it, respecting it by listening to the signals it sends us. Nature, too, must be listened to, respected and called upon to support human health with its infinite resources.

Tolle Causam: finding and treating the cause

Where classical medicine will relieve and treat a symptom, naturopathy will, in addition to offering solutions, look for the roots, the cause, and even the cause of the cause, and the cause of the cause of the cause. , to restore health by finding what has unbalanced it. This is why naturopathy sessions can be intimate and allow the identification of sensitive issues to be resolved with the help of naturopathic tools and other complementary professionals. It is this principle of causalism which often helps to put an end to disorders in the long term.

Home totus, Tolle totum: considers man as a whole

The holistic approach is also at the heart of the philosophy of naturopathy: it considers that it is essential to observe the individual as a whole by considering their physical and emotional state as linked. Current medical research confirms this approach a little more each year by confirming, for example, the link between the composition of our intestinal microbiota and our emotional state, and we can go much, much further.

Deinde purgare: Then purge

The notion of cleansing or detoxification is behind this principle, Hippocrates considering that many health problems come from a clogging of our humors (our liquids) and that it is necessary to purify them to support the body in its ability to regain your balance. This is why naturopathy can offer drainages, detoxifications, purges always adapted to the person.

Arceo : prevent

In my eyes the most useful role of the naturopath is to prevent rather than cure, it is its added value compared to allopathic medicine which is very useful for treating but not always for preventing, and this is the implementation place of a healthy lifestyle, that is to say a set of good habits, including the principles of holism, causalism and vitalism, which allows you to feel good in the long term.

Docere: teach

This last principle is linked to the principle of prevention, since it is by shedding light on the responsibility of each person with regard to their health, by educating in the lifestyle most suited to each person by support of the naturopath, that our individual and collective health will be better. My goal is for you to no longer need me and to spread what you learn about what makes you feel good!

What naturopathy can do for you:

You will have understood, naturopathy is there to support you towards a life in which you feel better, with more energy, good sleep, good morale, good transit, fewer small and big inconveniences.

She draws from a large and diverse toolbox to offer concrete solutions with plants, vitamins, trace elements and minerals, recipes, breathing techniques or emotion management, chosen according to each situation and each person.

It can help you, for example, if you want to move to a more ecological life, if you have migraines that you can't get rid of, eczema, or other inconveniences; if you want to better feed your children or yourself, if you have a child project and want to put more chances on your side, if your baby has reflux, but also during moments of transition in your life, which lead to always with them stress and other inconveniences: new job, moving, life abroad, new family configuration, menopause.

If you would like to know more concretely how support works with me, you will find the answer here, and in case of questions or doubts, contact me!

And if you are tempted by a dietary or naturopathic accompaniment, it’s here!

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